Engineering, Analysis and Design

Thursday, March 20, 2025

12.5 Metres 3D Printed Metal Bridge

First announced in June 2015, the full span of MX3D’s ambitious, fully functional, 3D printed metal bridge has been finalized. designed by Joris layman lab, the preview of the stainless steel construction already hints at its vast size, as well as complex, strong and graceful geometries. the bridge is scheduled to be installed in 2019, where it will span across oudezijds achterburgwal, one of the oldest and most famous canals of Amsterdam, Netherlands.


‘I strongly believe in the future of digital production and local production, in “the new craft”,’ describes Joris laarman, when announcing the project back in 2015. ‘this bridge will show how 3D printing finally enters the world of large-scale, functional objects and sustainable materials while allowing unprecedented freedom of form. the symbolism of the bridge is a beautiful metaphor to connect the technology of the future with the old city, in a way that brings out the best of both worlds.’

four robots took six months of printing to finalize the full span of the bridge



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